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The Eclectus Food Pyramid

The Eclectus Food pyramid.

Diet cannot be covered in one post its just to broad; however, this is a good pyramid to use as a starting guide. Eclectus diet should consist of lots of veggies and fruits some will say 80% fresh fruits & veggies to 20% pellet, seed, nut, etc. However, I try to feed over 80% of a variety of fresh fruits and veggies. I also feed organic steel cut oatmeal, beans, rice, sprouts, mush, herbs, spices, flowers, organic plain granola (no nuts or anything in it). I personally feed no nuts or seeds. or any commercial parrot food that contains sunflower seeds, nuts, dried food in it or the like. Real is always best. I will not say organic is always best because not everyone can afford it and somethings you just cannot find certain things organic.

I do offer organic pellet Oscar and the conure have a small bowl in their cage and i put about a teaspoon of pellet in there. Oscar hardly ever touches it; but, I still offer it for variety and  in case he runs out of food before I get home from work. Many eclectus owners do not feed any sort of pellet at all and truthfully the more real food is the best.

Eclectus have a long digestive tract so fiber foods, fruits & veggies  are extremely important to keep their digestive tract moving along smoothly. Seeds & nuts should be fed sparingly as a treat but not part of their everyday meal.

Below is a chart on which veggies contain high amounts of protein and some surpass meat protein.
Please take note this chart shows the veggies with the highest amounts and "Mushrooms" is on it. NO parrot should ever be given mushrooms they are toxic to parrots. I have put a big red "NO" bulls-eye on it.

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